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IMDb rating 8.4
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Critic rating 10


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Kasper Løvborg
rated 9

Ford's "Indy" Jones is the coolest movie hero of all time. Fact. I mean, who didn't want to grow up to be this guy? Williams' sweet adventure tunes. Spielberg's elaborate setpieces and his lighthearted many-gags-a-min...

3 years ago
Critic Mark Dinning
rated 10 of the most exhilarating examples of action/adventure cinema...

Read full review at Empire
Michael Thomsen
rated 10

Den BEDSTE Spielberg-film, sammen med "Jaws".

2 years ago
Critic Andreas Samuelson
rated 10

En på snudden till felfri hyllning till gamla matinéfilmer som för ovanlighetens skull är bättre än den genre den efterapar.

Read full review at Moviezine

Cast & Crew

Frank Welker
As Special Vocal Effects (voice) (uncredited)
Terry Leonard
As Driver of German Truck (uncredited)
John Rhys-Davies
As Sallah
Frank Marshall
As Pilot
Alfred Molina
As Satipo
Vic Armstrong
As German Soldier (uncredited)

Frequently asked questions

What is Raiders of the Lost Ark about? Toggle content

1. sv-SE: Den handlingskraftige arkeologen Indiana Jones ger sig iväg för att finna den sägenomspunna heliga arken före nazisterna. 2. da-DK: Dr. Indiana Jones bliver hyret af dem amerikanske regering til at finde den tabte Ark, som skulle indeholde enorme okkulte kræfter. 3. de-DE: Der Archäologe Dr.Henry Jones wird von Regierungsagenten auf die Bundeslade angesetzt, das Behältnis in dem Moses' Gesetzestafeln aufbewahrt wurden. 4. it-IT: Indiana Jones ritorna all'università da insegnante e viene incaricato di trovare l'arca dell'alleanza per non farla cadere nelle mani dei tedeschi. 5. fr-FR: L'Arche d'Alliance contenant les tables de la Loi brisées par Moïse, voici 3000 ans, est l'objet de la convoitise des nazis et d'Indiana Jones lui-même.. 6. es-MX: En 1936, Indiana Jones es un profesor de arqueología dispuesto a correr peligrosas aventuras para conseguir valiosas reliquias históricas y evitar que las nazis se hagan con el Arca de la Alianza.. 7. nl-NL: Indiana Jones is een avonturier die voor niets terugschrikt om zijn doel te bereiken en zijn concurrenten te verslaan.. 8. pt-BR: Em 1936 o arqueólogo Indiana Jonese é contratado para encontrar a Arca da Aliança... Mas como a lenda diz que o exército que a possuir será invencível Independência tem um adversário de peso na busca pela arca perdida... Adolf Hitler!?!¿ partition ?rio? Under pressure from Army Intelligence and his former flame Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen), Indy embarks on an impossible quest to find the longlost Ark of Covenant ahead of the Nazis who will stop at nothing to claim its colossal power for themselves.. Seeking fortune and glory as he races against time with unforgettable characters by his side like Sallah” (John Rhys Davies). Get ready for breathtaking action sequences filled with booby traps and puzzling riddles that demand quick wit and clever thinking on your part too when you join forces with one man alone—Indiana Bones !!! What have they got that they ain’t afraid to use? What separates them from us besides luck? Why do we follow when there seems no reward except more danger up ahead where even friendship doesn’t last forever because greed thrives amidst death after we pass through water together into another desert altogether leaving some dead body behind without any remorse felt‘ ?trailing down utility vents behind enemy lines over steaming jungle terrain so hot you can fry an egg on top while radio operators maintain silence about secret operations too risky even between allies since mutual trust does not exist among thieves trying to outdo each other near burning villages under heavy artillery fire suppression causing panic among civilians making natural selection look like child’s play under Pandora’s box opening slowly but surely towards its devastating climax nobody could predict though everybody senses imminent doom drawing closer by the minute given no escape routes nor backup plans just raw individual talent combined together somehow hoping against hope itself may perhaps overcome insurmountable odds somehow someway despite being heavily stacked against them initially granted limited resources coupled with arbitrary twists of fate known only too well by those who lived back then especially those who survived long enough before meeting their Maker eventually so very few indeed compared to billions alive today worldwide watching this movie right now wondering what will happen next second by second feeling adrenaline rush through their veins knowing fully well they cannot turn back now having come this far together alongside Indy here… NO WAY OUT NOW EXCEPT GOING THROUGH THIS TOGETHER !!! Are you ready ? Can you handle it ? How much longer before our”, “nem full moon”, “journey begins Second Half exactly one hour later than scheduled starting point due delayed raid on secret weapons storage facility hidden deep beneath ancient desert temple ruins where villagers fear entering due old legends warning them away unless accompanied by someone carrying family bloodline immunity passed down over multiple generations still working within decrepit edifice bearing scars witnessing countless battles sacred relished sites changed hands violently throughout centuries but never forgotten completely… forgot password , Post–it note left inside front cover flap torn out ripped apart but not destroyed intentionally dropped near sleeper car railroad station during late–night operation carried out silently without leaving trace save tiny Group Captain Gerard Halford–Thomas ( Inter Allied organisations deputy director favouring polished labour credentials opposing direct action) receives shock news via teleprinter about unexpected successful quest completion mere hours after Intel brief stated mission likely compromised almost negating chances altogether despite rational analysis predicting better outcome considering resourceful opponents pitted against seasoned adversaries whose General Herman Wilhelm Goering personally supervised agents sent across globe – seamlessly blending state–of–the art espionage methods deployed both Axis & Allied agencies simultaneously without tripping alarm bells purposely setoff nonetheless careening forward toward destiny shaped collectively although shadowy influence manipulated events from darkness without certain knowledge ensuringIds victory would ultimately belong solelyto Them vanquishing petty rivalries along way—jealousies buried deep beneath surface ambition aimed higher up ranking hierarchy until then when final showdown arrives preceded only be apocalyptic visions haunting dreamscapes induced psychotropic poison spread via prolonged exposure proximate trench warfare environments affecting soldiers mindsets Of both sides equally until emotional numbness sets in as Socalled Solutions get explored abortively proposing novellio kill switch emergency escape protocol last resort measures among smuggled VIP list box seat occupants tipped off well ahead , socalled secondary subplots interweaving skirmishes staged sporadically throughout entire story thread viewed mostly via telescreens planted discreetly around periphery abroad Nepal streets outside American Embassy compound premises serving vital communications portal connecting Washington D C decision makers directly OverThere Where Its Hot

Where can I stream Raiders of the Lost Ark? Toggle content

You can stream Raiders of the Lost Ark on:

What movies are similar to Raiders of the Lost Ark? Toggle content

Some movies that have similar genres and were produced around the same time as Raiders of the Lost Ark include Mad Max 2, Mad Max, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, Dune, Top Gun, Highlander.

When was Raiders of the Lost Ark released in theaters? Toggle content

Raiders of the Lost Ark was released in theaters on July 16, 1982.